Fue ver esta primera foto y pensar en el casoplón de Mila (Kunis) y Ashton (Kutcher) en Los Angeles. Esta casa está en la otra esquina de los Estados Unidos, en Vermont, y es una auténtica maravilla poblada de antigüedades francesas e inglesas, papeles pintados de inspiración nórdica y una vocación de disfrute del impresionante […]
Grandes sorpresas y pequeños cambios · Big surprises and small changes
In case you’re reading the blog in your computer or tablet, you’ve noticed that the header has changed a bit. We’ve simply become «more friends» with the well-known spanish printed decor magazine and website Mi Casa Revista, so now their logo will be presiding the blog. That’s all that will change here; the rest remains the same. And I also wanted to show you today this beautiful illustration of me made by the spanish design studio Supermundano, that was offered to me this past week, while I attended the launch of the new online shop of Banak Importa. I’m so happy with it!